Sunday 17 October 2010

Mode of Address, The Active Audience and The Ethnographic Model.

The Mode of Address is where a media text, or institution addresses its audience, in the specific style for the audience - these are unique and differ to different addressers and addressees. A good example of this is stand up comedians coming on the stage and asking the whole audience how they are, being sociable and welcoming - addressing them directly as a large group of people.

The Active Audience is where the audience decode the meaning of a text. They are active in interpreting the meaning they understand from it. David Morley conducted an investigation where he concluded that there are three types of active audience; the dominant (who except the message), the negotiated (who accept it in general, but make a few alterations) and the oppositional (who disagree and reject the idea completely).

The Ethnographic Model is where the researcher for the media institution conducts a survey/investigation/interview to find out more about a particular audience group. This starts with domestic environment, then about the variation of gender, and then about technological usage.

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