Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation Part 7

From prelims to the final product - what has been learnt. Many technical aspects of our production needed to be addressed. The 180 degree rule is very important, as breaking it can result in confusing the audience and making the action seem unnatural and jumpy. In our final product we did not break this rule, yet in the prelim we did jump over the wrong shoulders - something that was picked up on and feedback from the prelim helped us to make sure we didn't do anything like that in the proper production. For shot reverse shots - this is where, in the prelim, we broke the 180 degree rule, so in the final production, we were sure not to do the same. As there was not much direct diaglogue between characters, the main shot example of this is when I shout "It's cigarettes!" and the others look around - we made sure to have an eyeline match so that it matched up nicely and also they we in the same spot as they had been before - no continuity error. Match on action is very difficult to get, but with careful editing together, we obtained a good flowing opening, where actions and reactions happened effectively, and the sample audience didn't pick up on anything out for being unnatural.

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