Sunday 28 November 2010

Further Research into Introductions to Comedy Films

In the 2004 film Starsky & Hutch (the modern film adaptation of the 1970s television series), there are some techniques that would be great to adapt into my groups film opening production task. The film actually starts off with the introduction to the villain, however that is not the approach we want to take, but from 00 : 02 : 16 (Hours : Minutes : Seconds) to 00: 04 : 22 where the main characters are introduced through their own narrations. From the Starsky & Hutch scenes, they highlight the character traits that they both have sperately, and we can see the contrast, and anticipate the comdic chemistry they must have, because, the film is named after them, we know they are important to the plot. Additionally, the actors, Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson (and Vince Vaughn) are recognised as comedic actors from the Frat Pack, and this builds up the anticipation of a good, funny film ahead. Facial expressions are very important to comedy films, and to get the right expression is key - Ben Stiller is an expert at producing serious looks with humorous aspects to them.

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