Sunday 28 November 2010

A Variety of Genres

The opening two minutes evaluation.

Western: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Mise-en-scene: cigarettes, unshaven, hat, horses
Camera: long shot (establishing scene), still close-ups
Editing: deep bold colours, slow transitions, not much happening (an anticipation build-up)
Sound: flute, guitar - traditional western music, an ery silence (anticipation again)
Generic Conventions: quiet, not much going on - building of tension at the start

Horror: Scream
Mise-en-scene: average house, doors and windows with no curtains - voyerism
Camera: close-ups of facial expression
Editing: slow, speeds up with introduction of bad guy presence (over the phone)
Sound: quiet - too quiet...
Generic Conventions: bad guy, attractive woman - victim, blood, knife

Romance: P.S. I Love You
Mise-en-scene: normal couple, normal appartment (high up)
Camera: over-the shoulder shots - the distance of the relationshop of the the couple at this time
Editing: production credits straight out of the way
Sound: slow, easy-listening
Generic Conventions: a couple, conflict (usually not at the start, but is at the start of this film), ongoing questions for audience to htink about before the plot unravels

Adventure: Pirates of the Caribbean
Mise-en scene: costume (accurate to set the period of time the story is set - conventionally in the past)
Camera: low angles of boat, and of Elizabeth Swan - showing the importance of them
Editing: name of film straight away, with no distracting cast names during introduction - signifying the serious plot aider at the beginning
Sound: quiet violins, gradually building up, they get more clunky, dawnting - something about to happen
Generic Conventions: mystery, starts further back in time, giving a bit of back story, then to return to main event

Sci-Fi: The Running Man
Mise-en-scene: headset - technology, uniformed costume
Camera: close-up of face - reaction shot of character recieving conflicting views
Editing: quick-pace for action aspects, the colour red forshadowing the danger, a backstory written down in rolling titles - detail about the sci-fi universe the film is set in
Sound: tense, futuristic
Generic Conventions: the backstory written down in rolling titles - the detail of the sci-fi universe film is set in, is set at a different time to present (may be future, or past)

Drama: The Persuit of Happyness
Mise-en-scene: pyjamas, soft toy = child, afro + sideburns = 1980s
Camera: low angle of the USA flag - the authority and respect of the nation
Editing: slow transition, left to right - the daily routine (ordinary), the 'y' in the title suggesting the solution (of the title question) is mathematical
Sound: delicate, violins, contrast to image on occasion
Generic Conventions: relationships, relatable, real

Comedy: Bean
Mise-en-scene: silly things in the mirror
Camera: close-ups of funny expressions
Editing: quick pace - over-exaggeration of sequence of images
Sound: over-exaggeration to whats happening, dramatic for trivial images
Generic Conventions: recognised actor(s), funny action, facial expression

British Realist: The Full Monty
Mise-en-scene: dark, bleak, REAL
Camera: up above - watching/spying
Editing: establishing setting with small screen, just a small introduction, put credits underneath it
Sound: upbeat in promotional advert, quiet in factory - dying industry
Generic Conventions: REALISM, accurate characters, accent, colloquialisms

Film Noir: Touch of Evil
Mise-en-scene: city life, nice car, smart dress
Camera: always tracking thoughout opening sequence with no cutting or altered view - almost a point of view shot
Editing: no cut, straight to action, anicipation built of bomb going to go off - when??
Sound: accurate of the time
Generic Conventions: city scene, dark, night (theme)

Action: Mission Impossible 2
Mise-en-scene: virus injection (implications) (green=toxic poison), white coats, test tubes
Camera: close-up - see the action, establishing setting - birds eye shot of Sydney
Editing: quickly transitioned
Sound: quick, calmer on plane
Generic Conventions: fast pace = action, russian character brings mystery

1 comment:

Miss Kelley said...

Welldone for typing this information up!