Wednesday 26 January 2011

Titles for Teen Comedy

Scott Pilgrim Versus the World: Production credits are on the floor as the camera pulls back from a medium shot to a long shot - half of the title of film is with all characters "Scott Pilgrim", then pulls down to join with the rest of the title ("VS. THE WORLD"). Then the actors' names burst in, jumpy (rave-time) as separate frames and cut quickly, with the quick-paced music . The background to this is strong, dark shades of colours, particularly reds and green. There is also bits of artwork flashing up, and its very student-like - artistic but not professional, nor too young child-like. The font is quite bold and 'in your face' which is stereotypical of teenage personality.
Also, for character credits, there are black boxes that pop up everytime Michael Cera's character, Scott, meets another character who has been previously unseen in the film. In these black boxes it gives brief information about the character.

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